
Showing posts from 2025

The other side / O outro lado W.Y.R.M.W.? Project

  The other side  /  O outro lado      This is the 8 song from W.Y.R.M.W.? Project , on this track I played bass with distortion , keys with distortion , drums and did the introduction vocals (reference to "the other" side from Strokes).  I also did all the technical issues for releasing     (recording,mixing...)  ,  hope U enjoy.    Essa é a 8 música do projeto W.Y.R.M.W.? , nessa eu toco baixo com distorção , teclado com distorção , bateria e faço o vocal de introdução (referência a música "the other side" dos Strokes). Fiz também toda a parte técnica (gravação, mixagem,...) , espero que desfrutem. Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)

Zero - Between synapses project / Projeto entre sinapses

  Zero            Hard bed  ,  fine treatment    Washed dishes , towels blowing in the wind     Full refrigerator , ironed cloth     Bucolic landscape, pleasant prose    Clouds passing by , art sprouting (like a fountain of life)        Bend the compass and break the ruler because gold is an eye , pure as mountain air      Soft bed ,  practical rudeness   Discarded cutlery and plates  ,  plastic  coming  and  going    Refrigerator borders on negative ,  sweaty clothes      Disruption on the square , flock of pigeons   Heavy rain , varnished colored papers    Pilgrimage to the heart , return of what was taken (without permission)     Is there a previous script for this performance?     Precision in pause and action     What is the route of our bus?   ...

Top shots (2024) p.6 / Melhores fotos (2024) p.6

Top shots (2024)  Melhores fotos (2024) Bending lights  /  Curvando a luz Spiral challenges  /  Desafios em espiral  Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)

Streets of me (2025)

  Streets of me  (2025)                          Acrylic and oil pastels                          Acrílico e pastéis à óleo  Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)

Top shots (2024) p.5 / Melhores fotos (2024) p.5

  Top shots (2024) Melhores fotos (2024) It's in the air 1 It's in the air 2 Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)

Behind the song / Por trás da canção

  Behind the song /  Por trás da canção  It's a short vídeo based on how an idea turn into music (from the project W.Y.R.M.W.? - Simple like that) É um vídeo curto mostrando como uma ideia se transforma em música (do projeto W.Y.R.M.W.? - Simple like that  /  Simples assim  Gustavo H.F. de Sousa (2025)

Would you consider support the blog?

  How about to be part of this, helping enable projects ?   Did you enjoy what you see , read , listen? So please consider a financial donation.   Your help is not only welcome but necessary, with all hard work done here, there's a time and money consuming.Help me keep all this for free           Thanks in advance ;  )                    Gustavo. ☆ For US dolar donations  Beneficiary Name GUSTAVO HENRIQUE FERREIRA DE SOUSA Currency USD  Beneficiary Bank BANCO SANTANDER (BRASIL) S.A. SWIFT - Beneficiary Bank BSCHBRSPXXX IBAN BR1790400888032950010010614C1 Correspondent Bank STANDARD CHARTERED BANK SWIFT - Correspondent Bank CBLUS33XXX ☆ For Euro donations: Beneficiary Name GUSTAVO HENRIQUE FERREIRA DE SOUSA Currency EUR  Beneficiary Bank BANCO SANTANDER (BRASIL) BRASIL S.A. SWIFT - Beneficiary Bank BSCHBRSPXXX IBAN BR1790400888032950010010614C1 Correspondent Bank BANCO SANTA...

Que tal apoiar o blog?

     Você já considerou a possibilidade de apoiar o blog?    Sua doação (de qualquer valor) ajuda a viabilizar os projetos ; ) Transferências via PIX: Gustavo Henrique Ferreira de Sousa  Chave pix: 02383346438  Banco Santander ag. 3295 c/c 01001061-4 Obrigado ! : )

Simple like that / Simples assim - W.Y.R.M.W.? Project

  Simple like that / Simples assim     This is the 7 song from W.Y.R.M.W.? project. Only a bass guitar with distortion effect on a song composed and performed by me. I did also all the technical issues ( recording , editing , posting ). Hope U enjoy ;  )      Está é a 7 música do projeto W.Y.R.M.W.? Apenas um contrabaixo com efeito de distorção em uma música composta e tocada por mim. Também fui eu mesmo quem realizou toda a parte técnica ( gravação , edição e postagem). Espero que gostem ; ) Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)

The fall of flowers / A descida das flores - Between synapses project / Projeto entre sinapses

  The fall of flowers    The dark, gray sky announced that it was time for watering the immense trees in front of me, whose branches looked like hands asking for water.     The wind was very gentle, almost imperceptible but still present and causing the subtle disruption in that conglomeration of odor and color    Descending from the branches , the flowers seemed to perform a kind of symmetrically prepared dance to impact everyone who dared to pause their daily routine    Exposed to everything that is rude , the flowers swirled , descending to their final destination , providing a natural cover to the stony seriousness around     Ephemeral and divine tapestry from my eyes ,  from the soil , shelter and food for tiny life forms ,  no less impacted by the abundance available      I was at the exact moment and place when , spinning , the flower that was coming down touched me , feeling blessed by sync...

Top shots (2024) part 4 / Melhores fotos (2024) parte 4

  Top shots / Melhores fotos  (2024) part 4 High lines / Linhas elevadas Textures / Texturas Gustavo H.F. de Sousa ( 2025)

Sending my sign (can U hear It?) / Enviando meu sinal (você consegue ouvir?)

  W.Y.R.M.W.? Project    The 6 Song from W.Y.R.M.W.? project is called "Sending my sign (can U hear It?)" as always on this project, I did all the recording and finishing issues and played keys, bass guitar and drums. Hope U enjoy...   ;  )     A sexta música do projeto W.Y.R.M.W.? se chama "Sending my sign (can U hear It?) / Enviando meu sinal (você consegue ouvir?)" como sempre nesse projeto eu realizo todos os processos de gravação e finalização, nessa música, toquei: teclado , contrabaixo e bateria. Espero que desfrutem...   ;  )   Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)

Top shots (2024) part 3 / Melhores fotos (2024) parte 3

  Top shots (2024) p.3 Melhores fotos (2024) p.3   From my vase / Do meu vaso Wings / Asas Gustavo H.F. de Sousa (2025)

Fixed or what? / Consertado(a) ? - 2025

  Fixed or what? / Consertado(a)? ( Acrylic/Acrílico - 2025 ) Gustavo H.F. de Sousa (2025)

Hiding holes (W.Y.R.M.W.? Project)

    Hiding holes  (Escondendo os buracos)    Song 5 from W.Y.R.M.W.? project, composed and performed by me, here a bass guitar line with distortion effect.        Música 5 do projeto W.Y.R.M.W.? , composta e executada por mim, aqui uma linha de contrabaixo com efeito de distorcão.    Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)

Top shots (2024) part 2 / Melhores fotos (2024) parte 2

  Winter night in St. Thomas / Noite de inverno em São Tomé  (From the painting St. Thoma"s sky) (Extraída da pintura o céu de  São Tomé) Puppets party / Festa dos bonecos  (From puppets party painting) (Extraído da pintura "festa  dos bonecos") Gustavo H.F. de Sousa (2025)

Fractal - Between synapses project / Projeto entre sinapses

  Fractal     The one who writes here is just a piece of the many "me" that travel through non-linear time and continue to experience    Am I what I was or I will be what I am? With no cognizable answers on my horizon, I approach the abyss of ignorance that invites me every day to descend   Thoughtful spaces fail , they're tighter than necessary to provide  movements for  the adjustment to a body that needs  hurry  Cybernetically guided (and manipulated) collective, I am with you and here, now, I exclude the abusive from my fraternal embrace   Singular my respect, plural the contexts justifying the paths chosen by elected ones in democratically free elections (does this exist?)    A world increasingly divided between left and right approaches. Screams of anger and pain in winding trajectories of conflict emerge     All my "me" warn that this path hurts like a sharpened knife blade, it is a death end street ,...

Top shots (2024) part 1 - Melhores fotos (2024) parte 1

  Top shots /  Melhores fotos  (2024) Prescription / Prescrição  Upgrade  Gustavo H.F. de Sousa  (2025)