
Showing posts from July 14, 2024

Hands Out of My Pocket - All songs / Todas as músicas

    Today the H.O.M.P. project reach it's finish line with the #5 and the full release , thanks for hearing and watching , another musical project will come soon !  ;  )    Hoje o projeto H.O.M.P. chegou ao seu final com a postagem da música #5 e a união de todas. Obrigado pela apreciação de todos,  outro projeto musical chegará em breve!  ;  ) Gustavo H.F. de Sousa - H.O.M.P. project (2024)

Hands Out of My Pocket # 5 song : 101 (Echoes from forever)

    The song #5 is relatedto the "akash"/ eter element , the divine wisdom wich holds all knowledge and pushes the "new" , the sacred presence of god interfacing all dimensions. 101 (Echoes from forever) is my ask for blessings from the eter/"akash"/divine providence, fount of unilimited wisdom.    On this particular song  i worked playing bass guitar,  drums and piano , this (last song of the project)  was the very first song wich was a great composition (in my non professional musician opinion) and the only one wich have no one "new" version along the process of mixing and recording , was the "untouchable one. Hope U enjoy as much as i do  everytime i hear and play it !    ;  )    A música #5 está associada ao akáshico ou éter residência da sabedoria divina que permeia todas as dimensões e impulsiona o "novo". 101 (Echoes from forever) é meu pedido de bênçãos ao akáshico/éter , "biblioteca divina que a tudo armazena , divin

Between synapses project - Projeto entre sinapses

  Between synapses  Entre sinapses      Literary project that involves the unification of 30 poems with varied themes begins today with the publication of "Secondary wishes"     Projeto literário que envolve a unificação de 30 poemas com temática variada se inicia hoje com a publicação de "Desejos secundários".  Secondary wishes    This world continues to move around a flower (sunflower?), may it not have just one color or odor, may the presence of its sacred geometry be perpetuated night and day   Since the perfect encounter is a wide-open door, the exit should be open as well and directions never previously defined    If fittings work better with precision , may them be eventually loose, easy to reconnect, and stable   As moving forward is an invitation, may it could be done at the brightest hour of the day and by those who do not have blemishes in their eyes   If every plateau ends in a precipice, may the wings be available, may they not be perishable and may the