15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 1 - English version

15 days (São Thomé das Letras) Preface The 15 days project was born in May 2023, when there were still doubts about when it would be viable (when would i be on vacation?), there was also a doubt about which city would be chosen for the project. Two cities completely outside the tourist “mainstream” but full of mysticism, legends, stories of inexplicable phenomena, seemed to catch me in a deeper way or a mere desire to embark towards the intangible to the organs of the senses. The initial idea was: 15 days in a specific place, each day a chronicle based on real experiences, short and concise (only 1 page long), a poem with a free theme but inspired by the moment and an illustration , drawing or painting with theme associated with what was most important during the day. At first i could already see that from the planned concept, only the aesthetic formatting could be maintained (1 chronicle +1 poetry + 1 visual representation...