15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 10

Chapter 9 – Into the flowing waters kingdom I woke up around 1 am , saw a sky full of clouds , went back to bed and again fall asleep , woke up few hours later and stayed in bed until i saw some sign of light in the sky (around 6:30 am) , after breakfast and equipped with what i had to protect me from the cold (jacket, hat, gloves) , i left towards the lion’s cave , another famous tourist spot in São Thomé , when i got there , i saw a couple leaving , i imagine that they were about to wait/photograph the sunrise , which was already completely above the horizon. After several photos in the lower part of the cave , which actually looked like a narrow hole on a huge rock , i decided to climb to its roof , with a little difficulty and cautiously , within 10 minutes i was at the top taking photos and looking for a place to rest. Surroundings of the lion’s cave early in the morning I took photos from all angles and made the necessary records , then i...