Rotten wires / Fios caidos - Between synapses project / Projeto entre sinapses
Between synapses Project / Project between synapses #2 Rotten wires On my morning walk, I unpretentiously observe that people look at me, others follow me, few think they understand what was not born empirical and limited. Posts bend, with the weight of metallic and fibrotic devices that obscurely distort society in painful directions The conductive networks have succumbed to misuse, stairs open and close in dynamic attempts to contain what was born on the earth's womb and now walks in the air we breat The posts scream (I hear them) and the earth eventually opens up into deep holes-attempts to neutralize the absurdities on the surface We are superficial, I know, but with each (solar) storm, we are flooded by the greater truth and without necessary support, the imposed limitation of a smaller truth , falls Turbulences present above the eyes and below the feet are mere reverberations of ...