Thomas Morgan , today , is my favorite bass player , i really admire his work as a musician but when i saw this vídeo, i understand that his skills go far beyond physical impressing moviment on strings , his vast understanding on music really touches me, on this vídeo , after the disturbing moment right after he has been hit by a question for asking to sumarize something so vast , he pinpointed important characters of music as something that runs beyond logical and interface something bigger ( from my perspective ) and the healing tool of that "transcendental language" , the most beautiful thing is that it works for both: audience and music player as well ! I understand perfectly his disturbing moment right after the question , is it possible define English, Portuquese or any language in few words? How about define in few words a language that hold all countries and interface with non physical ? Dinsturbing isn't it? Thumbs up for Thomas Morgan and his be...