15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 6 - English version

Chapter 5: Mismatch Today dawned without the intensity of the winds but with a fog that greatly reduced visibility, for example, every day until then I was able to visualize the cruise from my room (approximately 1km) today the visualization was just a fog that despite it was not very dense, it was present even on the streets. Observing from a different perspective, the fog even gives a more beautiful tone to the city as it hides the transmission towers located at the highest points. I contacted Nelson ● and made myself available for a meeting and as he had commitments in the morning, I organized myself for a morning walk towards the witch's stone. I went once again, along the path that seemed to be a shortcut and avoided the wear and tear of climbing the steep stairs (mentioned in the previous chapter), during the walk I stopped to give and receive affection to 2 groups of dogs that approached when I was passing by...