15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 4 - English version

Chapter 3 – At the point After incredible experiences i had yesterday , today my intentions are in order of priority: the São Thomé’s grotto usually called: “a gruta”(the grotto) , another famous tourist spot , a return to the witch’s stone and later a return (at night) to Cruzeiro. Considering that generally the most appropriate time to write is in the morning , today (8/8/23) at 5 am i was already up making breakfast and organizing things to write , my morning departures take place around 10 am . I left around this time towards the São Thomé’s grotto (a gruta) which is nearby, about 25 meters away from the supermarket which is on the other side of the square. I arrived at the grotto , took external photos of the entrance and the plaque with historical information about the grotto and entered. Inside , i saw two chambers , a smaller one on the left probably used for meditation or rituals , it had a narrow entrance that in my opinion only all...