15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 9

Chapter 8 – Same place , brand new me Yesterday the time i woke up was labeled as super early at around 3 am , i don’t know what word i can use to classify today’s situation. At 0:54 am i was standing up , after looking at the sky , taking a look at the cell phone to find out the time. I drank some water and went back to bed. In few minutes i fall asleep and when i woke up again my cell phone read 5:40 , the whole experience yesterday made me want to go back to the cave of holed stone in the morning and since a splendid event took place yesterday in the late afternoon , i imagined that the sunrise there could be another unforgettable experience , due to the time (it had to be quick) i went fasting , i only took water and tea in my backpack and hurried through the streets of São Thomé towards my destination. In the rush to try to get as close to sunrise as possible , i neglected to take care of the temperature: i went out wearing shorts , without a jacket and withou...