15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 15

Chapter 14 – Packing my suitcase

   The day starts very cold and there are many clouds in the sky, with a real possibility of rain, as at night I was unable to get a restful sleep, (only brief naps) this probably impacted my mood and therefore my objective The concrete thing today will be to prepare everything for my return to my starting point, (tomorrow) which, due to the time of day, should happen along with the first signs of the sun on the horizon. If there is no rain, it may be possible to take a short walk around the city. After my morning duties (breakfast and writing), I went out to buy bread and dispose  the garbage on appropriate place, when on my return journey I decided to stop at one of the stalls around the central square (they are always there on fridays and remaining until sundays) that sell stones, crystals and all types of crafts. The stall I “chose” was positioned exactly on my route on the numerous times I went to the supermarket, the facts caught my attention: 1 - the owner plays guitar and plays very well (in my opinion), 2- it was the only stall which worked only with stones and metals, 3- it was run by a family where the children were free to have fun in the square and the couple took turns looking after customers and looking after the children. 

Stone sculpture present in the central square 

   When I stopped, I observed the beautiful and meticulous work they did by hand with stones and metals (polished stones were also available), we introduced ourselves and the couple  called: Mateus and Waleska ●, he of German descent and she of Peruvian descent, I praised his guitar skills and the way of playing (slow and rhythmic) as well as their work with stones, which was what initially caught my attention as I was not familiar with the countless  dolls in the shape of elves, witches, aliens and other archetypes explored in crafts in other stalls, which are quite successful with tourists but don't really resonate as something to attract my attention. I looked at some items displayed for sale, I asked about the stones, we talked a little (me and Mateus) , Waleska ● was producing a new product and serving clients,  about the stones, about the more subtle energies, about what took me and took him to São Thomé das Letras, I was about to say goodbye when, in one of my outbursts of subversion to the common, I suggested a change in the consumer relationship where I would deliver a value (I think greater than that charged for the products on sale) and they, in common agreement, would have the sensitivity to give me the product they thought had something to do with me, regardless of it being of a lower value (no change was necessary), I also left them comfortable to say honestly  if they thought that nothing there feels related to me, the money given would be my way of thanking them for their kindness. and pleasant conversation we had. After thinking a little, they agreed on the object that would be given to me, I was told that it was a “chacana” I really didn't know what the term meant and when I saw the object I was enchanted by the beauty before the metaphysical explanation. It was a green, opaque stone, worked with right angles giving the impression of overlapping squares or a staircase facing all sides as well as above and below, with a circle in the center supported by a type of special braided line treated with wax. (perhaps to avoid humidity) which at the beginning had a small spherical stone in shades of yellow and brown (stone called tiger's eye) and at the end (closure) two almost translucent green stones with a spherical shape (green quartz). With the object (which they made the adjustment on the spot, burning the ends of the “cord”, came the explanation: according to Mateus ● the central stone was Jade, collected on an excavation in Peru (so it is a very old stone) and only recently worked to have the shape of the chacana and polished. But after all, what was a “chacana or chakana” ? according to them it's a symbol related to the lunar cycle (the carved steps) and the completion of a cycle. I prepared to study about that noble gift that was offered to me and so we said goodbye as I had a suitcase to organize and prepare my lunch. The idea of offering products that would stay in the apartment came to mind, ranging from washing powder (for washing clothes) to chocolates that were my instant source of calories on cold days. I initially tried to focus my attention on lunch and then on write down the experiences i had on that morning. After lunch, as promised, I went to study with the help of the Internet about “chacana or chakana”. According to my research, the correct spelling is chakana, also known as Andean cross or Andean ladder and it actually has several associations related to creeds and repre-sentation, one of them is the union of the elements: earth, air, fire and water, another credo says it's related to the union of the 4 seasons of the year (maybe something about seasons and time), according to some it would be the union of heaven and earth (with their respective polarities), for others it is the stellar representation of the southern cross constellation, in addition to the previously mentioned also could be a representation of the lunar cycle and completion of a journey. It is a sacred symbol in Inca and pre-Inca culture with the beginning of its record dating back to 500 years before Christ for some while other researchers report findings in excavations of an ancient temple with representations of chakanas with an estimated date from more than 4,000 years ago, being commonly found in the territory now belonging to Bolivia and Peru, with records along the banks of Lake Titicaca (Peru/Bolivia), for some researchers its record also covers the current territory of Mexico. 

Necklace received at the craft stall in the central square of São Thomé 

   At the end of the afternoon I went to Mateus and Waleska's stall again ●, only she was there, (he was probably looking after the children) I offered what I had in the apartment, I explained that I would leave in next morning, and with her approval on receiving many products that i would leave behind , I returned to the apartment and took the most diverse items: from cleaning to food and donate for them. She thanked me on behalf of the family and I said goodbye definitively as my departure time tomorrow will be before the sun appears over the horizon. For this reason, associated with the city's overcrowding due to the harvest festival, I decided not to go out at night and, if possible, to sleep early so that my return “pilgrimage” would be as less exhausting as possible. 

   ☆ Important observation: The facts mentioned in this chapter actually occurred, but the real names of the people involved were replaced by fictitious names (Mateus and Waleska ●) to preserve anonymity and possible embarrassment. 

Chapter 14 Playlist: 

Samuel Rosa and Juliano Alvarenga: ○ Video - Live Samuel Rosa YouTube channel


Blank sheet of paper  (15 days)

Acrylic - 2023

Blank sheet of paper

   Rock raised from a blue background, step by step 

   House of saint, tears wiped away by clouds that descend to anoint the lashes 

   Abundance on display on a high table with lace braided by sweaty and skillful hands 

   Merciful slope, necessary benches in a square designed and tied 

   Altar erected in a hole, a shortcut closed to scattered eyes 

   Green verses exposed to the winds receive the light of a purple lamp that wanders around aimlessly 

   Comings and goings in the clay, hoes and grease opening coffee plantations that sprout an almost bloody red 

   Fog permeates minds wich eager for conflicting actions , boiling solar panels 

   Haughty grass walks through trembling hands, hugs, affection, there is no wrong way here 

   Cleaned establishments, shining with mining dust 

   Hair in the wind, lights projected, birds in uproar, applause from the heavens, harvests in scorpion

 Starry night , passing police, wood oven, broths, mix of credos

   Alcohol and oranges in profusion, ringing of bells, summons 

Pale tiredness, fright, body undergoing restoration, proposal accepted, conclusion

Gustavo H.F. de Sousa - 15 days project 




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