15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 9

 Chapter 8 – Same place , brand new me

    Yesterday the time i woke up was labeled as super early at around 3 am , i don’t know what word i can use to classify today’s situation. At 0:54 am i was standing up , after looking at the sky , taking a look at the cell phone to find out the time. I drank some water and went back to bed. In few minutes i fall asleep and when i woke up again my cell phone read 5:40 , the whole experience yesterday made me want to go back to the cave of holed stone in the morning and since a splendid event took place yesterday in the late afternoon , i imagined that the sunrise there could be another unforgettable experience , due to the time (it had to be quick) i went fasting , i only took water and tea in my backpack and hurried through the streets of São Thomé towards my destination. In the rush to try to get as close to sunrise as possible , i neglected to take care of the temperature: i went out wearing shorts , without a jacket and without gloves. On the way , i was already feeling cold and “consoled” myself with the fact that it was already clear and cloudless , so i imagined that with the rise of the sun the temperature would rise.

Arrival at the cave of holed stone in the early hours of the morning

    I arrived at the cave of the holed stone at around 7 am. This time there was no one there and i set about capturing photos from every possible angle. I sat inside the cave and to my surprise i felt nothing or almost nothing , at first i imagined that perhaps it was the thermal discomfort (cold) , but then i tried to enter a meditative state and it occurred to me that perhaps the energetic discharge that occurred yesterday in my chakra cardiac (heart) met what was necessary at that very moment and on this subsequent day , there are new conditions and needs . I was felling like the “energetic avalanche” wich i receive yesterday precedes the massive flowing of information , coming on an understandable way , today , here in São Thomé the impression i had was that there were two points to consider: the place and the person. 

    The places are there and are widely known , they emanate a strong energy , at the other extreme , the person wich could be open to feel it or not and this same person directs , receive or serve merelly as a conductor for this energy towards the polarity (negative-positive).       Deep and broad understanding that eased my initial disappointment at not feeling all that peace , well-being , immeasurable love that i felt yesterday. With this information arriving in my mental field , it was very difficult to empty my mind and meditate because i always found myself reflecting on this and much more information wich was comming and made me keep trying to understand those concepts.

Image from inside the cave of the holed stone (where i received concepts of energetic dynamics)

     The cold was intense despite the wind being intermittent and as the sun was going up above the horizon , i ran to the roof of the cave for being exposed to the sun , perhaps this would minimize the discomfort (cold).

Rooftop of the cave on the early hours of the morning

      What I didn’t immediately imagine , i felt on my skin when i sat at the top: i was exposed to the sun but also more exposed to the wind. This uncomfortable temperature issues and the hunger meant i only stayed there for 1 hour.

Farewell photo of the Toca da Pedra Furada

     In the farewell photos , there was again a situation similar to that of the witch’s stone , a change in color (violet tone in part of the cave) and a point of blue light that appeared in some photos and not in others in the same sequence. When i returned to the apartment , right after breakfast , i went to the supermarket to buy what was necessary. I spent the end of the morning and the entire afternoon dedicating myself prepare lunch , selecting photos and writing.

    Even inside the apartment , i could tell that the day had a low temperature because the feeling of cold was constant as the clouds above , the water temperature in the tap was freezing , i imagined the trouble of the people who were at the waterfalls. According to the weather forecast , the next day would be rainy with lightning? Really? Since i arrived here it hasn’t rained a day and from what i see of the vegetation i think it hasn’t rained for a while. With this forecast and the cold , i won’t plan anything for tomorrow , we’ll see what happens and at night the only place that inspires me to go are the bed covers , daytime to sleep early.

Chapter 8 playlist:

  Gary Peacock: ○ Album: December poems

  Bill Frisell / Gary Peacock: ○ Album: Just so happens

  Robert Kaddouch / Gary Peacock: 

 ○ Album: 53rd Street

   Dynamics (F.D.) - Acrylic - 2024

Myriad from Minas Gerais*

 Minas** of bread, cheese and sweet smiles 
   Of the cabbage strips that fit into a ball 

   Minas** of fat that still supports lamps 

   Of words sung in the diminutive 

  Minas** of an underground that pulses gold, arterial and venous 

    Of crystals tinkling in the wind 

  Minas** of peaks and caves, passage to the intangible 

    Of crops irrigated by the sweat of strong arms 

    Minas** of birds greeting the dawn 

    Of crux guiding the sun to other worlds 
    Minas** of waterfalls and icy wells 

    Of insolent slopes 

  Minas** of soap stones from hand to hand 

    Of broken shackles 

     Minas** of compulsory freedom 

    Of probationary pilgrimages 

   Minas** of the colors that rise from clay 

 From the contented and immaculate waters 

   Minas**, I embrace you on each careful step i take on your spaces 

 Unconditional what comes and goes   

P.S. - Minas Gerais*/Minas** - Reference to the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil's Southwestern

Gustavo H. F. de Sousa - 15 days project (2023-2024)



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