15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 8 - English version

 Chapter 7 – At home

     Once again i woke up super early (3:20 am) , i got up , looked at the starry sky , drank some water and this time i decided to go back to bed where i thought about what would wait for me this morning? I ended up dozing off and when i looked again to check the time it was already around 5. After breakfast , i went to my morning duties (writing) and to the supermarket to buy what i needed. I spent most of the morning trying to arrange a transfer to the Devil’s Canyon waterfall complex as yesterday’s experience showed me that it wasn’t worth walking. I ended up not being able to make the arrangement because until then the price charged was (in my opinion) abusive. The brief frustration quickly gave way to acceptance and dedication to domestic issues: washing clothes , cleaning the house and preparing lunch. In the middle to late afternoon , i decided walking to the "Toca da Pedra Furada" (another famous tourist spot in São Thomé) with the help of the location app.,i walked through the streets of São Thomé, following the direction pointed out by the app. Once again , the app or my lack of ability to use it made me walk about 600 meters to the opposite side of the tourist spot. When i realized i was on the road heading out of the city , i decided to turn off the app and return to the apartment and then i would try again the next day. Halfway back , i had a strong intuition to try to get there (Toca da pedra furada ) again , this time following by intuition and remembering the position i visualized on the map before leaving the apartment. I followed the paths guided by my heart and after about 15/20 minutes of walking i turned on the app to check my position and there i was 10 meters from my destination , i headed towards some rocks and soon saw “the cave of the holed stone or in portuguese : toca da pedra furada”.

The cave of the holed stone or in portuguese: a toca da pedra furada , a famous tourist spot in São Thomé das Letras

     I took photos before entering and until then i imagined being alone there , before entering i perhaps felt that the place was “special” i asked for a blessing and blessed everyone who was and will ever been around that sacred place. Some say that there is a portal of strong energy and it was late afternoon where our energies are enhanced by the time of day. A few steps before entering then i felt that the wind had suddenly stopped and again i had the sensation that everything was “paused”, as if that moment was beyond time and space. It’s difficult put into words but when i entered the cave i felt a strong feeling of peace , lightness and expansion , especially at the level of the cardiac chakra (heart) similar to the feeling I had previously in the pyramid and in the cave of São Thomé but the intensity was much greater , there was so much energy in my heart chakra that it gave the feeling that my chest would explode at any moment with peace and love , i had never felt anything like that in my life , the feeling of completeness was great and at that exact moment i felt at home , Interspersed with bushes , grasses , clay and sand , inside huge piled stones i was in total connection with the creator. I stood still for a while , quietly , receiving that gift and contemplating the beauty of everything around me. Perhaps impacted by everything that was happening , i took photos from inside the cave that i consider to be the most beautiful of all captured in the project.

Picture taken from the inside (the entrance) at the “Cave of the holed stone “ or Toca da pedra furada

Picture taken from the outside (the exit) at the “Cave of the holed stone” or Toca da pedra furada

     I stayed there for a while , taking photos and feeling all that energetic “avalanche” until the idea of climbing to the top of the cave occurred to me. With a little difficulty i managed to climb up and to my surprise there was a person there manipulating a drone. I took photos from that position and spent some time contemplating the beauty of everything that invaded me. After some time , from that position with privileged visibility , i noticed that a “fleet” with 4 cars was approaching on the horizon towards that location , i understood that it was my time to leave and as soon as i got down from the top , the cars arrived and parked practically in front of the place , people of all ages came out , generating an uproar and frenzy that really was the opposite of everything i was feeling.

The beautiful view at the top of “the cave of the holed stone”


 The decision to get out of there was absolutely proper as i intended to hold as long as i could what i was feeling and somehow cognize what was happening from a non-physical point of view , at the beginning on my walk back , still on the clay road that led to the cave i could see a couple coming towards the cave and when they saw me (I don’t know why) they reversed their route (180° ) and started walking in the same direction that I walked , returning to the city center. Upon arriving , tired , i took a shower and allowed myself a brief rest before organizing dinner. From the window , watching the movement of people for a few moments , i ended up seeing Nelson ● and on impulse i asked him to wait a little , i went down and in a very brief conversation , i reported the sightings i witnessed the day before what he said was something usual there.

     We said goodbye without arranging any meeting , i was already getting used on how things work better there so i let the energy that leads to meeting take care of a reunion if appropriate. At night i was still physically exhausted so i limited myself to writing and went to bed early.

 ☆ Important observation: The facts mentioned in this chapter actually occurred , but the real name of the person involved was replaced by a fictitious name (Nelson ●) to keep the anonymous state preventing the individual from possible embarrassment.

Chapter 7 playlist:

     Jakob Bro:     ○ Album: Pearl River

                             ○ Album: The stars are all new songs


  Paul Bley/Franz Koglmann/Gary Peacock:                               ○ Album: Annette

Entrada - Acrylic - 2024


    Hole in the stone, yellow landscape of a sun that grinds unfair vectors 

    Resistant vegetation, expansive connec- tion, confused people around seek to achieve goals and violate limits 

    Inner stillness, masks fall and words are not necessary but unfortunately someone plays 

    Will to merge, to be one in  the one, to permeate, caress of a fine comb that untangles hair (black and white) 

    Sunset, golden bridge, may the traffic flow out as necessary because unfortunately in the surroundings, on land, air and sea someone plays 

    The dexterity of the players make them worthy of an emptiness that surrounds them like dust, staining their contours 

    Present aridity, surrounding environment, ancient shelter, magnetic flowers dissolve implants and open eyes 

    On the road, ascent and descent meet and the path receives the splendor of fauna and flora in harmonious devotion 

    Millennial wisdom is juxtaposed with what is necessarily a conquest 

Gustavo H. F. de Sousa - 15 days project (2023-2024)



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