15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 6 - English version

 Chapter 5: Mismatch 


  Today dawned without the intensity of the winds but with a fog that greatly reduced visibility, for example, every day until then I was able to visualize the cruise from my room (approximately 1km) today the visualization was just a fog that despite it was not very dense, it was present even on the streets.      

   Observing from a different perspective, the fog even gives a more beautiful tone to the city as it hides the transmission towers located at the highest points. I contacted Nelson ● and made myself available for a meeting and as he had commitments in the morning, I organized myself for a morning walk towards the witch's stone. I went once again, along the path that seemed to be a shortcut and avoided the wear and tear of climbing the steep stairs (mentioned in the previous chapter), during the walk I stopped to give and receive affection to 2 groups of dogs that approached when I was passing by. , each group with 2 dogs of different colors but all friendly , left the paved street and followed a dirt trail until I came across an informative wooden sign , already showing visible wear and tear from time , at the base of a higher rock and steep slope that perhaps due to erosion gave the impression of being made up of stacked quartzite sheets. 

   The sign informed that there was "the portal of the winds", with difficulty, being very cautious (as there was a very high abyss next to it) I managed to climb up, take some photos, try meditation (unsuccessfully) and contemplate the magnificent landscape with mountains on the horizon , rocks and vegetation bordering a gorge on the opposite side to my climb. 

Place called portal of the winds 

Fantastic view from the portal of the winds


   The fog had dissipated and the wind gave pauses even up there, if it weren't for the agitation of the birds the feeling would be that life was once again “paused”. When it came to returning, the descent proved to be much easier, but I descended slowly and cautiously. 

Rock formation with quartzite in “blades” 


 For the way back I followed the steep staircase already mentioned because on the way down there was no issue of wear and tear involved. I returned relatively early (10:30) and was feeling 100% and very willing, so I tried to contact a local touristic guide to take a tour but was unsuccessful. With lunch already ready in the fridge, I went to select photos , in the afternoon I tried twice at different times to meet Nelson ● but there was a mismatch, I saw his message late and when I went to the agreed location, he was no longer there. As I told him in a message sent at night, let “chance” take charge of the meeting as it was the first time, the city is small and he buys bread in the same place as me, so sooner or later we will meet again. 

   At night I didn't feel like going out and slept early as I planned the next day, in addition to my morning obligation (writing), a walk to the Devil's Canyon waterfall complex (tourist spot approximately 3.5km from here) 

☆ Important observation: The The facts mentioned in this chapter actually occurred, but the real name of the person involved was replaced by a fictitious name (Nelson ●) to preserve anonymity and possible embarrassment. 

Playlist of chapter 5: 

John Mayer: ○ Album: Room for squares 

Nando Reis: ○ Album: Voz e violão vol.1 

Nando Reis: ○ The best of lives 

The wind's homeland - Acrylic - (2024)

The climb 

   The mountain called me with its light that looks like neon shining night and day    
   A moonless night exposes static fireflies pulsing desires and lacking physical manifestations 
   A broth full of noble ores, dense, repaired my insides that suffered pain from environments hostile 

   Fingers, thoughts and actions came and went crying for attention or forgiveness in agitations typical of a rebirth 
   The sun was already setting high when I was able to expose myself completely and enter the kingdom where a look holds all the words 

   The softness of a gesture encouraged the breeze that enveloped me and made me worthy of wings (password) enabling access to the summit 

   Light from afar arrived deleting the vicissitudes of a closed circuit, supported by those who are no longer here 

   In the heart of the mountain, on an altar of crystalline blades I deposited an arrangement of lilies honoring the one who grants credentials from the sacred highlands. 

Gustavo H. F. de Sousa - 15 days project (2024) 


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