Chapter 9 – Into the flowing waters kingdom I woke up around 1 am , saw a sky full of clouds , went back to bed and again fall asleep , woke up few hours later and stayed in bed until i saw some sign of light in the sky (around 6:30 am) , after breakfast and equipped with what i had to protect me from the cold (jacket, hat, gloves) , i left towards the lion’s cave , another famous tourist spot in São Thomé , when i got there , i saw a couple leaving , i imagine that they were about to wait/photograph the sunrise , which was already completely above the horizon. After several photos in the lower part of the cave , which actually looked like a narrow hole on a huge rock , i decided to climb to its roof , with a little difficulty and cautiously , within 10 minutes i was at the top taking photos and looking for a place to rest. Surroundings of the lion’s cave early in the morning I took photos from all angles and made the necessary records , then i...
Capítulo 10 – Revisitando lugares Impressionantemente tive um sono agitado , com pesadelos , paradoxalmente após a leveza e plenitude sentida ontem nas cachoeiras , despertei cedo e sequer levantei da cama para checar o horário pois estava tudo escuro. Tentei voltar a dormir mas não consegui e assim que vi o mínimo de iluminação nos céus (provavelmente entre 5 e 6 horas) eu levantei e da janela pude ver uma forte neblina nos céus e envolvendo as ruas , a visibilidade estava bem reduzida. Direcionei minha atenção à escrita e ao café da manhã que preparava porém eventualmente minha mente decolava para reflexões , lembranças do que vi e vivi nas cachoeiras , seria meu sono agitado fruto de manipulações energéticas? Lá nas cachoeiras vi pessoas empenhadas na manipulação energética mas eu estava tão integrado àquela exuberância divina que sequer achei necessário comentar no capítulo prévio. Pensei no Sr. Chico Taquara , pessoa lendária aqui de São Tho...
Chapter 12 – Sacred Land As always, i woke up early (3:49 hours), i stayed in bed “surfing” the Internet, checking my personal blog, social networks, messages, map with the location of tourist attractions and then I only got up to prepare coffee in the morning around 7:30 am. Now in the morning I intend to go back to the supermarket to buy things i miss yesterday i also want to try once again to contact the driver who took me to the gorge waterfalls complex to see if we can arrange a trip to the Shangrilá complex, a preservation area with huge rocks, waterfalls and cave paintings still preserved! Centuries ago it was an area inhabited by Indians and considered sacred land. I bought what was missong and again tried to contact the person who previously transported me, after a few unsuccessful attempts i understood that he must be busy or not interested in helping at that time. I went to the little shops (on the outskirts of the central square) that sell han...
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