15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 7 - English version

 Chapter 6 – Atypicalities


 My day today started well before dawn , it was around 3 am when i woke up , i really wanted to put on a coat and go to my favorite observation point (the crux – o cruzeiro). The logical mind soon tried to stop this impulse with arguments of all kinds , while having breakfast i went to the window and saw a starry , cloudless sky , i also noticed that there was no wind noise and the visible trees were not moving. I immediately thought about the opportunity to have a better thermal comfort. I put on appropriate clothes and set off through the deserted streets of São Thomé.

    As I got closer to the access to go up , i saw 2 pubs still open with people enjoying themselves with relatively loud music. The climb as always , tiring and when i reached the top and prepared to turn off the “flashlight” mode on my cell phone , i saw that it was precisely 3:44 hours , there was no one on the crux and still panting from the climb , i looked for “my place” which offered me back support. I don’t know if it was due to the effort of climbing or whether the temperature in the place was actually higher and with gentle , intermittent winds , i felt hot , i took off my gloves and opened my jacket a little. I started scanning the completely starry , cloudless sky and witnessing phenomena worth reporting: during the time i spent there (3:44 am to 6:30 am) i saw 16 meteors or space debris burning as they entered the atmosphere and 6 phenomena where there was a dynamics with lights that couldn’t be a plane , helicopter or drone , 3 of those which are very impactful I will report in chronological order: 1- A continuous reddish light appeared approximately 45° to the left of my position , continued in linear movement to the left and losing the intensity of the lighting (moving away?) until it reached about 60°-70° to where it stopped and started to return and gaining luminosity (getting closer?) , it crossed the horizon in front of me and started going to the right where again it lost light until it disappeared about 30° to my right. 2 – Suddenly a white light the size of a star appeared heading towards my right side , it followed a linear path without blinking for a while (seconds) and suddenly it went out, reappearing with light again in a line parallel to the previous one , it repeated the same dynamic of turning off and lighting on a path parallel to the previous one about 3 times until it disappeared. 3 – A continuous whitish light appeared at about 45° to my left and began a zigzag movement until it disappeared at about 45° to the right. Other situations occurred with light flashing and changes in light intensity , but i will not go into details , at around 4:40 am , while it was still dark , a couple climbed the rock (probably to see/record the sunrise) and were duly “escorted” by 4 dogs , 1 of which was my friend Hugo. When the dogs saw me they all came to my position and i returned their attention with affection to everyone , Hugo wanted more , he wanted to lie on my lap and then i had to raise my knees to put a limit , i said: “not here , handsome... .” but the dear canine friends didn’t wait long and went down before the sun actually appeared on the horizon. Around 5:30 am it was already clear and the sun was getting ready to appear on the horizon. I prepared myself and took photos of the place as well as the “star king” in his beautiful and imposing appearance on the horizon.

Early dawn at the crux (cruzeiro), the moon was still present

From my observation point, the “king star” and its splendor

      At 6:40 the sun was already completely above the horizon and i was on my way back to the apartment. Upon arrival , i ate something , changed my clothes and tried to get some sleep. Around 11 , after having studied the location and routes of the tourist attractions a little further away , i decided that i would take a walk to the one closest to the city center , which was the Devil’s Canyon waterfall complex. I put water , towel and some snacks in my backpack and set off on foot , towards my destination , on the way i stopped to photograph the city’s entrance portal and the sculpture of the apostle that gives the city its name (Saint Thomas - São Thomé).

Statue representing Saint Thomas - São Thomé

I also stopped to photograph the city sign , a little further on , the entire downhill path provides a certain ease but with a lot of clay and irregular stones.

     I arrived at the entrance of the complex when it was already past 1 pm so i decided to just get information about the best day , what to take and the best time for those who want to take a lot of photographs. I left back to the apartment facing a strong sun (cloudless sky) at 2 pm and the route completely uphill , which made the tranquility of the trip turn into an ordeal on the way back. When i passed the city’s entrance portal and started climbing the first street that led to the city center (in total there were 4 uphill streets) I simply stopped before completing 1/3 of the first street , it is also worth mentioning that this one has a very steep inclination , it was a “huge slope”. I didn’t have the strength or breath to continue , so i stopped for a few minutes , drank water , took a few deep breaths and so i continued and stopped until i reached the apartment. Upon entering , it was a sequence that started with a shower , eating came next , then resting and selecting the photos of the day. As i was quite physically worn out , i decided to write at night and this time not make any nighttime observations. I’m realizing that making plans here in São Thomé seems useless because something happens suddenly and everything needs to change , so getting into this energy , tomorrow will be without plans , let’s see what my destiny and intuition have in store for me.

Chapter 6 Playlist:

       Jakob Bro: ○ Album: Baladeeering

       Norah Jones: ○ Album: Come away with me

       Gary peacock / Paul Bley: ○ Album: Partners

Movimentos - Acrylic - (2024)

 Movements above

   Constellations come closer in observation and support of a new script present, past and future in luminous harmony 

   The constitution of the favorite inclined plane has a smile at the apex, sweats, desires and needs emerge interspersed with the crystal of its pavement 


   Slow but firm movements generate the heat necessary for the welcome uterine well-being 

   Eyes wander hurriedly and cannot resist the illuminating evolutions, a catwalk in an intense flow of a beauty that cannot find support in words 

   Signalers try to conduct an effect that fails due to incisive disrespect no longer tolerated 

   Duplicators drastically affected because the abundance of the past has been mitigated, there's a lack of everything , especially lucidity in actions 

   Steps taken are understood and spread, nebulous monitors dissipated by sacred fire enlivened by the breath of pure air that dances in the highlands 

   Choir of angels waits for the dawn, embers that burn regeneration in a beautiful horizon  

   The king star appears from afar in golden expansion magnetizing straight lines and curves of an auspicious moment. 

Gustavo H. F. de Sousa - 15 days project (2023-2024)



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