15 days project - São Thomé das Letras - Part 5 - English version

 Chapter 4 – Meeting


 Today my day started early , before the first rays of sun , around 4:30 and wearing a jacket inside the apartment (it was intensely cold and windy) , i started making breakfast and writing. From the amount of clouds i observed through the window , there seemed to be a real possibility of rain. At the end of my morning duties , as always around 10 am , anticipating a possibility of rain , i decided to explore the outskirts of the city because if there was rain , i would have somewhere to take shelter and so i went to the city limits , on the way back with less clouds  due to strong winds , i extended my journey and went to the pyramid. Arriving there i realized that there were 4 people but none at the top , it was my opportunity to go up and feel the energy of the place. With a little difficulty and a tip from a person who was there , i managed to climb and sat exactly at the apex of the pyramid and felt nothing from an extra-physical/energetic point of view.

View from the top of the pyramid

    I took photos and intrigued , i decided to go down and make my way again inside the pyramid just to “check” if i would have the same sensations as the first time i was there. Everything was confirmed , inside the pyramid , i felt the same good energy , a feeling of lightness and expansion mainly in the heart chakra (heart). I stayed for a short time because someone had intentionally or unintentionally left biological waste inside and the odor was very strong. As i left for the city , i thought: “Since i'm here , why not check out “the crux (cruzeiro)”? It's very close , i think less than 100 meters and it was my chance to take a photo of the secluded place with back support that i usually stay in on my observation nights.

“My place” of observation at the cruzeiro (crux)

   I arrived , took some photos and quickly left as it was already around 12 noon and despite the sun being covered due to many clouds around , the wind was very strong and i had “after-effects” from the previous night: the skin on my lips and nose they were dry and full of “cracks” in addition to a slight pain in the throat. In the afternoon , it was time for domestic issues: washing clothes, making tea (to see if the throat returned to its normal state) and at the end of the afternoon going to the supermarket.

   Once my job at the apartment was completed i went to the supermarket and on my way back , i met Nelson ●, who is well known in São Thomé , he passed through many inexplicable situations and heard many testimonials of people who had inexplicable experiences in the city. I introduced myself and thanked him for his courage in speaking out in videos about subjects considered “hard to believe” , situations that were materially intangible but demonstrably present in São Thomé. We talked quickly about the things i had experienced so far , about the dog that maybe wasn't a “dog” and we left open the possibility of a longer conversation in the square , tomorrow , if he had time available. At night i didn't even consider going out because with the tea (ginger) my throat was already improving and i wanted to be 100% for whatever comes tomorrow , plus the intense wind, cold and cloudiness made any observation impossible. For tomorrow , in addition to the conversation with Nelson ●, i intend to return to the witch's stone or viewpoint (mirante) and perhaps plan a tour for the following day.

☆ Important observation: The name “Nelson ● “ used here in chapter 4 is a fictitious name for a real person on an event that actually occurred as reported , this will provide the anonymous state for the person preventing possible embarrassment.

Chapter 4 Playlist:

    Augusto Piroda/Gary Peacock/ Paul                  Motian:          ○ Album: No comment

    Karen Souza:    ○ Album: Essentials II

    Gary Peacock / Marc Copland:

                                ○ Album: Insight

Royalty  X Ordinarity  - Acrylic  (2023)

From my window 

   Today is the day of clouds dancing in whitish shades of gray in the sky 

   The rain that insists on not falling passes quickly, carried by winds that sing their presence in any hole on windows

    Masked people pass through the streets and are exalted by ill-wishers who, gathered in a procession, follow asking for relief 

   From my window I see the sacred pyramid painted and decorated by those who cannot see, susceptible to the bad taste of those who direct them 

   Without saying a word (with the window open) I point the way and it is steep 

   It pass the pyramid, stop at the crux ( cruzeiro) , receives the intensity of the winds at the viewpoint (mirante) 

   Continue until reach the shelter of the grotto  (gruta) that breaks shackles and offers immaculate love. 

Gustavo H.F. de Sousa - 15 days project (2023)


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