The 8 poem from"Between synapses" project is called: To birds (with love) I filled my hands with what was possible and scattered the bird food in the air (around me) They came and without hesitation gave themselves over to the banquet offered with the kindness that only spontaneity can deal They multiple different colors added life to the green monotony of the grass present The feeding frenzy did not last because the quantity and/or voracity of the guests did not match with my skills in holding and spread Many, whether sated or not, left immediately, but some remained nearby They watched from afar, grateful for the offering or perhaps simply hoping for a perpetual source of nourishment Their songs reverberated through every orifice of my body, ionizing matter and leaving the air rarefied. Imersed on sound that heals body and soul, I smiled and signaled real solution to the n...
Chapter 12 – Sacred Land As always, i woke up early (3:49 hours), i stayed in bed “surfing” the Internet, checking my personal blog, social networks, messages, map with the location of tourist attractions and then I only got up to prepare coffee in the morning around 7:30 am. Now in the morning I intend to go back to the supermarket to buy things i miss yesterday i also want to try once again to contact the driver who took me to the gorge waterfalls complex to see if we can arrange a trip to the Shangrilá complex, a preservation area with huge rocks, waterfalls and cave paintings still preserved! Centuries ago it was an area inhabited by Indians and considered sacred land. I bought what was missong and again tried to contact the person who previously transported me, after a few unsuccessful attempts i understood that he must be busy or not interested in helping at that time. I went to the little shops (on the outskirts of the central square) that sell han...
Capítulo 12 – Terra sagrada Como sempre , acordei cedo (3:49 horas) , fiquei na cama “navegando “ pela Internet , checando meu blog pessoal , redes sociais , mensagens , mapa com localização de pontos turísticos e aí só levantei para preparar o café da manhã por volta das 7:30 horas. Agora pela manhã pretendo retomar ao supermercado para comprar o que não foi possível ontem, pretendo também tentar mais uma vez o contato com o motorista que me levou ao complexo de cachoeiras da garganta para ver se acertamos uma ida ao Complexo de Shangrilá , área de preservação com rochas imensas , corredeiras , cachoeiras e com pinturas rupestres ainda preservadas! A séculos atrás a área do complexo de Shangrilá foi habitada por ííndios e tida como terra sagrada. Comprei o necessário e novamente tentei o contato com a pessoa que fez meu transporte anteriormente , após algumas tentativas sem sucesso eu entendi que ele deveria estar ocupado ou não tinha interes...
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